Sunday 31 March 2019

Top 5 Factors That Can Positively Impact Your Health

There are many things that impact your health, some positive and some negative. It's up to you to do all that you can to avoid the unhealthy ones. Of course, it won't always easy. Obstacles sometimes get in the way. But, by learning more about the following five factors, which positively impact your health, you'll be well on your way to better health. The factors covered in this report are quality nutrition, hydration, detoxification, oxygenation and alkalization. Hopefully, you're already familiar with a few.

Healthy Habits
Healthy Habits, Pixabay

1) Quality Nutrition

Everyone needs to be concerned about quality nutrition, regardless of where they feel they stand health-wise. There are SO many benefits to proper nutrition that it’s somewhat difficult to know where to begin. Here are some of them for your consideration.

=>Increased Productivity

Recent data indicates that eating foods that are unhealthy for you actually puts you at a higher risk of productivity loss. Some studies put that number as high as 66 percent. All the more reason to think of healthy food as fuel for your brain, don’t you think?

=>Fewer Wrinkles

Foods that contain a high water content help to moisturize your skin. They also contain antioxidants, which help to reduce the likelihood of cell damage and keeps your skin younger looking for a longer period of time. Go one step further and include foods like salmon, on the menu. Salmon is high in Omega-3 fatty acids that are also beneficial to your skin.

=>Saves Money

By sticking to a healthy diet, you generally have fewer medical bills. In addition, you’ll probably eat less, which means you’ll save money on groceries. This is especially true if you’re one to eat a lot of sugary treats and/or fast food meals.

=>Less Cravings

It probably won’t happen immediately, but eating healthier is a great way to reduce cravings. Lean proteins and complex carbohydrates do an excellent job of stabilizing your blood sugar. This helps to alleviate a rapid drop in blood sugar, which causes a craving.

      =>Healthier Smile

The calcium in milk and other dairy products helps to strengthen your teeth. Yogurt is known to contain microorganisms that are helpful in fighting the bacteria that causes bad breath. Research indicates that Omega-3, found in fish, may even reduce the chances of gum disease.

=>Longer Life

Although nothing is guaranteed 100 percent, quality nutrition goes a long way in helping you to live longer. Several studies indicate the possibility of low-meat, vegetarian or diets high in nut consumption very well adding years to your life.

      =>Happier Disposition

The next time you feel a bit gloomy, why not take a minute out of your day to eat a banana or a couple of pieces of dark chocolate? The average-sized banana contains 10 mg of dopamine. Dark chocolate is packed to the brim with polyphenol. Both of these substances are known to give your mood a boost when you need it the most.

An added benefit to all of these things is the fact that learning to eat healthier automatically makes you more knowledgeable about nutrition. So, not only are you helping yourself, you’re helping your family as well. What could be better than that?
2) Hydration

Staying hydrated is extremely important for overall health. What many people don't realize is that drinking plenty of fluids is also necessary for optimal heart health. This is especially true in warm weather.

Every single cell in your body needs water. So do your tissues and organs. The body requires water to lubricate joints, maintain proper temperature and remove waste products.

Keeping your body hydrated helps your heart pump blood through your blood vessels. It also helps muscles work more efficiently. In other words, when you drink the proper amount of water or other fluids your heart doesn't have to work as hard.

        =>Water Is Best

Water is the best thing to drink, when it comes to staying hydrated... especially when you're exercising. If you're someone who doesn't enjoy the taste of water alone, try eating fruits and vegetables that have a high water content. These include, but are not limited to:

* cucumbers
* iceberg lettuce
* celery
* radishes
* tomatoes
* green peppers
* watermelon
* citrus fruits
* strawberries
* and cantaloupe

As you can see, you have plenty of healthy choices. For additional options, doing a quick search engine search will bring up many other suggestions.

Sports drinks are recommended in very hot weather. However, if you're trying to steer clear of added sugar and extra calories, you might want to think twice. Any sugary drink, such as soda or fruit juice, tends to be harder on your stomach. And, anything with caffeine in it actually causes you to lose fluid, which obviously defeats the purpose.

        =>How Much is Too Much?

You've probably heard or read somewhere that you need to drink eight, 8-ounce glasses of water per day. While many people still believe this to be true, some physicians will tell you that it depends on things like climate, the type of clothes you wear and whether or not you're exercising.

Never let the fact that you feel thirsty be an indication that you’re getting dehydrated. If you're thirsty, you've ALREADY reached that point. If you perspire more than average, you need to drink more fluids. If you have a medical condition such as diabetes, you need to drink more fluids. If you're elderly or pregnant, you need to drink more fluids.

Believe it or not sometimes when you feel hungry, you actually might be thirsty instead. If you've eaten within the last two hours, try this trick. Drink a glass of water and wait approximately 10 minutes. If after that time, you no longer feel hungry, you'll know you were dealing with dehydration.

One of the best ways to monitor your hydration level is to keep track of the color of your urine. If it's pale or clear it means you're properly hydrated. If it's dark, you need to drink more liquids.
Don't ever take dehydration lightly. Not only can it lead to painful issues such as headaches and swollen feet, it can also lead to life-threatening conditions like heat stroke.

3) Detoxification

If you’re feeling sluggish and lacking energy, it may be time to consider body detoxification. Detoxification, or detox, is the process of cleansing the blood by removing impurities in the liver, where toxins are naturally processed. This allows the body to process and removes toxins more efficiently, which leads to improved health and a better quality of life.

=>Should You Detox?

It is recommended that everyone detox at least once every year. A detox program can help alleviate symptoms that are otherwise unexplainable, such as fatigue, skin irritation, allergic reactions or even bags under the eye. Even if you don’t feel like anything is amiss, detoxing helps to cleanse the whole body and leaves you feeling fresh and rejuvenated.

=>Cleansing Your Diet

There are many different detox recipes and programs to choose from, all focused on cleansing the body and eliminating toxins. One very popular and tasty way to include cleansing foods into your diet is detoxifying juices and smoothies.

Replacing one meal a day with a detox smoothie goes a long way toward getting rid of toxins and maintaining your metabolism. Stay away from pre-packaged shakes or other chemically enhanced products - the best ingredients to use are all-natural fruits and vegetables. Popular options include:

* raspberries
* blueberries
* oranges
* apples
* spinach
* kale
* bananas
* tomatoes
* and carrots

Any natural fruits or vegetables will do, especially those rich in fiber or vitamin C. With so many healthy foods and flavors to choose from, you can concoct a smoothie that suits your taste and is an excellent addition to your diet at the same time.


Taking a break from eating gives our digestive system a chance to rest and rejuvenate. This means it will be more efficient when it’s time for it to work again. In order to give your digestive system a break, replace your meals with juices or smoothies for a day or two of fasting. This will be easiest if you do it on a day off, so that you can rest and avoid situations that might otherwise tempt you to eat. This detoxifying method may not be much fun during the actual fast, but it will be worth it afterwards when you feel energetic and refreshed.

=>Stay Away From Toxins

Toxins that we take in either through food or our environment get in the way of our body's healing processes. Stay away from refined sugars, saturated fats, coffee, cigarettes, and alcohol. Also, try to use natural alternatives to both cleaning and personal care products, to avoid exposure to minor levels of toxins.
4) Oxygenation

Oxygenation is the process of oxygen molecules making their way into all tissues of the body. Oxygen is not only necessary for breathing, it also plays an important role in every metabolic process, which occurs in the body. Another term for oxidization is “medical oxygen saturation.”

=>How Oxygen is Used

Our bodies use oxygen for a number of different processes. When we breathe, the oxygen in the air that we inhale is diffused into our bloodstream. This oxygen-rich blood makes its way through our bodies and find places where oxygen is needed. Oxygen molecules in our body combine with certain enzymes to help out with many of our body’s processes. A waste product of these processes is carbon dioxide, which is transported back to the lungs.

=>Restoring Oxygen Balance

There are several easy things you can do to help restore your oxygen balance. This includes:

* drinking an adequate amount of water
* adhering to an alkaline diet
* exercising daily
* breathing properly

Without the proper amount of water, all body functions are diminished. Filtered water is the best choice, because of its smaller groups of water molecules, which provide better overall hydration on a cellular level.

Adhering to an alkaline diet is explained in more detail below. In a nutshell, it refers to eating more plant-based foods such as kale and spinach and eating less processed and animal-based foods. Along with the diet, it’s helpful to take an iron supplement. Women need at least 18 mg, daily. Men require no less than 8 mg per day.

The type of exercise you choose is completely up to you. Walking, biking and hiking are particularly good choices to help oxygenate your body. In fact, in this case, it’s actually more beneficial to walk for 15 minutes a day, as opposed to working out at the gym for two full hours.

Yes, there is a proper way to breathe. Whenever possible, avoid breathing from the chest. It’s much better to breathe slowly from your diaphragm and through your nose. Twelve breaths per minute are usually adequate.

=>Oxygen and Detoxification

A major factor in our health is how efficiently our bodies make use of nutrients on the cellular level. Another factor is how effectively waste and toxins are removed. Our body has several ways of getting rid of cellular waste. Much of it is dissolved into water and leaves the body through urine and sweat. But, some of this waste can only be neutralized by oxygen molecules, in a process called oxidation. Because our bodies need oxygen to process waste, avoiding environmental toxins and maintaining proper oxygen balance leaves us feeling great and could even help prevent disease.

5) Alkalization

Alkalizing your body is another wonderful way to stay healthy. Simply put, alkalization is shifting your body's pH to the proper level. In the event the thought of this makes you nervous, there's no need to worry. It's actually much easier than it sounds. The end goal is to have a body which is more alkaline than acidic.

        =>Optimal pH Level

When your body is highly acidic, it tries to balance itself out by getting nutrients from your cells and bones. That's bad. The optimal pH level, to strive for, is just a little over 7. Once this number is reached, it greatly reduces the possibility of disease and cellular damage.

When your body reaches this level, it's generally easy to maintain, as long as you know how to do so. The process involves replacing the acid you eat and drink with foods that alkalize.

        =>Increased Health Benefits

There are many benefits to an alkaline diet. Statistics indicate that if your diet consists of at least 70 percent of alkaline foods, you'll improve your quality of life substantially. Health benefits include an increase in energy, a more restful sleep, a slower aging process, a clearer mind and increase protection against certain kinds of cancer. That sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

        =>Foods to Avoid

There are several foods and beverages to avoid on an alkaline diet. The top five categories include:
* processed sugar
* meat
* dairy products
* coffee
* soda

Cutting down or eliminating these foods not only helps to balance your pH level, it makes you healthier overall.

      =>Foods to Enjoy

There are many types of foods that are great for increasing your alkaline level. You don’t have to partake in a boring diet in order to get healthier. Think about incorporating some of the following items into your meal plan. It’s probably simpler than you think!

* leafy greens
* Chia seeds
* almonds
* beets
* bananas
* garlic
* figs
* lemons
* melon
* tomatoes
* and broccoli

      =>Consequences of an Unbalanced pH Level

When your pH level is out of whack, it has the potential of affecting your health in many ways. Excess acid is stored in fat cells. The reason for this is that the fat neutralizes the acid. There is good news, however. Once you reach a pH level of 7, it’s entirely possible to lose as much as a pound of fat per day.

Your arteries are affected by pH levels, as well. Why? When your body is highly acidic, it automatically produces cholesterol to protect the arteries. High cholesterol can lead to heart attacks. The upside to this is, just like the excess fat cells, the extra cholesterol will disappear once your body is properly alkalized.

Believe it or not, there’s also a possibility that you’ll shrink, if your pH level remains off balance for long periods of time. This occurs when calcium begins to dissipate from your bones due to the acid.

Once your body begins to balance out and become more alkaline, you may experience something that is often referred to as "alkalize and energize." This simply means that you'll start to automatically feel more energized and ready to take on the world. Congratulations!

Conclusion : Taking Things Slow

When it comes to information about these five factors, which positively impact your health, this is just the tip of the iceberg. However, it gives you a great starting point. What you do with the information is, of course, up to you.

If you feel overwhelmed, as many individuals do, tackle one area at a time. You're not going to feel transformed overnight. Obviously, it's going to take some time. But, with patience and due diligence, you'll start feeling much healthier before you know it. At that point, all of your hard work will be more than worth it!

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Controlling Workplace Chronic Illness - Managing Inflammation by Shira Litwack

Oxidative stress is at the root of all illness, behavioral and physical. The United States spends approximately $2.7 trillion on healthcare each year, and employers lose $225.8 billion in productivity due to health-related issues. However, most insurance claims involve preventable conditions, which means your healthcare costs could be reduced if you know which conditions to be aware of. We provide programs for disease prevention and management, obesity, diabesity, wellness... Keep digging - measure and mind workplace oxidative stress.

Chronic Illness
Image Source:

Oxidative stress is defined as disequilibrium between oxidant generation and the antioxidant response, the imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. Free radicals are oxygen-containing molecules with an uneven number of electrons. Looking to become even, they swipe electrons from other molecules. These election thieves, free radicals, cause potentially fatal chemical reactions in the body because of their damage to other molecules. Extensive research during last two decades has revealed the mechanism by which continued oxidative stress can lead to chronic inflammation, which in turn could mediate most chronic diseases and cognitive function.

One of the many reasons we opt to eat healthier foods, "eat a rainbow" of fruits and vegetables, is to supply us with antioxidants. Great, however, we need to take a look at reducing our exposure to oxidative stressors. Another challenge... there are the known and unknown causes & exacerbating conditions of oxidative stress.

  • lack of exercise, or too much exercise
  • lack of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle
  • endocrine disruptors
  • our diet...
  • alcohol, smoke (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
  • exposure to chemicals including cleaners, pesticides, environmental pollutants
  • lack of sleep, shift work
  • stress
  • issues within - gut health, immune function...
DNA oxidative damage from reactive oxygen species is a common type of damage faced by cells and leads to many different mutations and problems in DNA. These range from lesions on DNA and breaks in DNA strands to faulty links and base gaps in sequences. Mutations in our DNA, DNA lesions, leads to chronic illness. A single change in the DNA of mitochondria - the cellular power plants that generate energy in all human cells - has been found to cause degenerative heart and muscle disease. Many DNA lesions have been identified. This research has allowed scientists to understand just how DNA oxidative damage is implicated in disease.

These diseases range from neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease to cancers, depression, diabetes, autoimmune, a growing list with further research... In addition to its role in diseases, DNA oxidative damage has also been shown to play a part in necrosis of neurons, and the ageing process, ugh.

It has become extremely important to understand how repair systems work to prevent and treat oxidative damage to DNA in cells now that we know the damage that can occur when the systems are left unchecked or malfunctioning. Therefore, determining workplace oxidative stress - the oxidative load on our employees, and managing it - is ultimately how we are going to gain control of our health and healthcare costs, and the holy grail of focus, productivity and presenteeism.

Shira Litwack Corporate Wellness Specialist, Chronic Care prevention and Management Health Technology from 50 employees to millions Controlling oxidative stress:

Article Source:

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Does the protein diet work?

Of course, when it comes to healthy eating, there are plenty of alternative diets that people want to claim are healthier than the traditional calorie counting method. They are usually motivated by a desire to sell a book or a food range, but some people swear by these methods.

The most famous diet lately has been the Atkins diet and its many copycats: the South Beach diet, GI, and the rest. These are basically high-protein diets that tell you carbohydrate (carbs) are evil, and you should cut right down on them or even cut them out of your diet completely. While nutritionists are incredulous that anyone would seriously consider cutting an entire food group out of their diets, the books have sold in the millions.

Protein diet
Protein diet, Pixabay

The dirty little secret of protein diets is that they do help you lose weight, but only in the short term. They do this by causing you to give yourself a disease called ketosis, caused by lack of carbohydrate, that makes you lose weight, feel bad and have terrible breath. As soon as you go off the diet and back to your old ways, however, you will simply put all your weight back on again.

It is a similar situation with many other diets, including weight loss milkshakes, which rarely contain anything resembling a balanced meal. Instead, they flood your body with protein and little else, forcing it to burn fat but again, the effect quickly wears off if you stop using the shakes.

A cynic might say that they're not really trying to help you lose weight or eat healthily, so much as they are trying to keep you on their dodgy diets forever. If you want to eat healthily, stick to balance no matter what anyone tells you, that's never going to change.

Friday 22 March 2019

Things That You Never Expect From Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga is the type of yoga which was urbanized and founded by K. Pattabhi Jois. This kind of yoga is known as the Eight Limb Yoga which has revolved in Pattanjali’s massive idea. It presented that the path of purification is made up of the eight spiritual practices.
Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga, Pixabay

The first four limbs that represent Ashtanga Yoga are – yama, niyama, Asana and the Pranayama. These are considered cleansing practices which are externally correctable. The other set of limbs which are the – pratyahara, dhyana, dharana are the internal practices.

These limbs can only be corrected by the appropriate application of the Ashtanga Yoga method. This type of yoga method is quite dangerous to the mind.

K. Pattabhi Jois said that practicing these Eight Limbs and also its sub-limbs of the external practices which include the niyama and yama is not possible. In doing so, the body should be strong enough so that it can perform the practices. If the body is weak, and the sense organs are not functioning well, practicing will never be useful to the person at all.

The philosophy which K. Pattabhi Jois has applied is that you must keep in mind that after doing this Ashtanga Yoga the body will improve and it will be stronger and healthier.

Vinsaya and Tristhana are practiced in Ashtanga Yoga.

The Vinsaya is a style that makes Ashtanga and its principles discrete from the others. Vinsaya means the movement and breathing which is used for the internal cleansing process. Each movement done is accompanied by only one breath. Sweat is the most important product of Vinsaya. When you produce sweat, it only means that you are successfully applying the practice. When you perform the Asanas, the body creates heat which causes your blood to boil and excrete the toxins outside of your body. The toxins are found in your sweat. So the more sweat you create, the more toxins are released.

These yoga poses are used to fully develop the strength and health of the body. The series of practices make this possible. There are three postures used in Ashtanga Yoga.

The three are classified on different levels.

The first is the Primary Series which aims on aligning the body and also detoxifying it.

The second is the Intermediate Series opening and cleaning the energy channels which comes to the process of purifying the Nervous System.

The last series would be the Advanced Series from A to D. in this series, the grace and strength is measured.
The Tristhana is another yoga principle which represents the union of the three places of action and attention. First is the posture, second is the breathing technique ad last is the Dristhi of the Looking Place. All these three should work altogether to perform a function.

Breathing techniques are simultaneous and synchronized. It is important to make a single breath for one movement. Ujjayi Breathing is the Yoga Breathing Technique used in the application of Ashtanga Yoga. Applying this technique must be prolonged after every practice. What you need to master is holding your pose longer at the same time hold your breath. This is an amazing breathing exercise that will increase your internal fire and will strengthen the Nervous System.

Both Ashtanga and Tristhana deal with the series of Dristhi. The Dristhi is described as the point on which you gain your focus or attention while doing the Asana. This enables your mind to be purified and stabilized clearly.

Setting the mind clear and cleansing it can only be done in the Eight-Limb Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga.

Monday 18 March 2019

Top 6 reasons to meditate

Meditation, Pixabay

The side effects of meditation are positive and countless. Studies have demonstrated that those who meditate on a regular basis have reduced illness, stress, and need for rest.

But one of the most compelling reasons to meditate is that the process of meditation itself is sublime. Meditation is not dependent upon the result, but the act of meditation itself is a blissful one, transporting one to a state of contentment and tranquil awareness during the training of meditation itself, not just at the end of training. Actually, because the means equals the end, the training has no beginning and never ends.

All of us in modern times experience a constant onslaught of stress. We are bombarded by uninvited energies in the form of such things as television, noise pollution, arguments, and angry or envious people. In order to counteract this enormously overwhelming force of negativity and distress, we need a superior power, gathered within ourselves; and meditation connects us to this internal reservoir of cleansing, enlightening energy.

In former times, nature surrounded people in their daily routines and rituals of existence. There were no artificial sound vibrations from telephones or machinery; there were no stresses and diseases resulting from urban industrial complexities. There was the sound of water, the hum of the wind, the beauty of the stars in the sky, and the scent of the earth. There were natural tempos in every aspect of life, as people planted seeds, nurtured them into foodstuffs, and as they observed the cycles of nature they felt a connection to them.

Nowadays we can live our entire lifespan without ever contacting nature in a direct way. We live in artificially controlled climates, we gather food from fast food restaurants or from stores where it is packaged in a factory; we invite a total divorce of ourselves from our natural origins and our organic, original pace of life.

Meditation allows us an easy, convenient, portable method to enter into those lost natural rhythms and aesthetics, by closing out the world around us, letting go of our bodies, and clearing the mind of all the artificial stress it gathers knowingly or unknowingly during the course of lives.

Meditation costs nothing, it has no harmful side effects, and it won’t add calories or cholesterol to your body. Nor is it addictive in the sense of drugs and alcohol. But it does provide practitioners with an elevated sense of well-being, often compared to a natural high more powerful than those induced by drugs, and this component of meditation is one that can be fully embraced for positive, healthy benefits.

The human body is a complex creation, and in the brain the body naturally produces drugs that are hundreds of times more powerful than pharmaceutical narcotics. As one meditates, the body secretes mysterious hormones and chemicals that actually provide an incredible rush of energy and happiness, and this is only one of the amazing side effects of meditation practice.

Meditation is different things to different people. Some use it in place of, or in addition to, psychotherapy. Others find it most valuable as a tool to enhance sports or work performance, and to increase the memory and other mental functions. Some people rely upon it to help them deal with grief or the aftermath of trauma or tragedy, and to regain a contentment and appreciation for lifes beauties. And there are those who use meditation as a creative tool to inspire them in the arts. 

Meditation gives us stronger and more sustainable vigor, sexual energy, and calm, as it provides a restfulness that is comparable to deep, exceptionally restful sleep.

There are countless reasons to meditate, and one way to make the world a better and more peaceful and harmonious place, is for all of us to dedicate some time out of our stressful lives to pause and drink from the mental oasis of meditation practice.

Sunday 17 March 2019

Is Your Diet Working Against You?

Unhealthy diet

Taara is a middle-aged mother with a young daughter. She has been successfully avoiding sugar related foods for a few weeks. Also, she has been devotedly watching her diet portions. She has been working out for more than an hour 5 times a week. Yet, she has not lost any weight, and doesn’t have an idea.

This is not surprising. You might be doing all the things you can to drop significant weight, but can’t seem to make any improvement. Subsequently, you are depressed or discouraged and are prepared to give up.

One major problem is that various diets are homogeneous. They don’t study the individual’s lifestyle, metabolism, and physiology. They try a cookie-cutter method to lose weight, which doesn’t work in most circumstances. For that reason, using the services of a registered dietitian can be the best solution. This can be done personally or through the Internet, where you can interact with your dietician any time through e-mail or calls. Your dietitian will help you through the unavoidable setbacks and will be your personal coach and cheerleader.

Lack of cooperation is a huge reason for diets to fail. You might feel like you have no one to chat to about your weight issues. When this happens, some people go to psychotherapists to assist them with their weight issues. This can be very supportive, specifically if an individual suffers from an eating disorder, such as bulimia or anorexia. Anorexia and bulimia are serious diseases that essential to be treated by a health professional in order to make sure the recovery of the patient.

Additional hidden calories in the foods we eat are another downside of dieting. Time and again, we are consuming extra calories and don’t even know about it. Sugary drinks like artificial fruit juices and sodas are a common source of unwanted calories. By substituting to diet drinks, or drinking more water, and switching skim milk for whole milk, you can reduce the extra calories that are keeping you from achieving your weight loss goals.

Being a yo-yo dieter is another big problem. You could start a diet, then abandon before you’ve made any considerable progress, just because you are fed up or feel deprived. Healthy weight loss is not a quick, and involves losing only a couple of pounds per week. Keeping a optimistic attitude and sticking with a well diet plan is key to losing weight.

Lifestyle change is part of successful exercise and eating. Avoid eating for emotional fulfillment or comfort. Changing the way you eat needs lifetime commitment; it means that you need to follow the plan for a longer period. Figure out an eating plan that is healthy, and that you can commit to. Even though your main objective might be to lose weight, you should also concentrate on being healthy. Fad diets cannot give you both of those things. Therefore, you must cautiously choose your eating plan.

Friday 15 March 2019

Is Trichotillomania a Reason of Your Hair Loss? By Jamme Darke

Hair Loss?
Image Source:
You might be having the urge to constantly pull your hair. You may even be ashamed of it but you cannot control it. The reason you are doing so is because you may have Trichotillomania. Trichotillomania is an impulse disorder in which a person is feeling a constant urge, which one may not be able to resist, to pull their hair. Impulse control disorders are conditions in which you have strong, uncontrollable urges to take part in self-destructive behavior.

Some examples of impulse control disorders are Pyromania and Kleptomania. Pyromania is the urge to set fires and Kleptomania is the urge to steal. The real reason behind Trichotillomania is not been understood or found, however researchers believe that it is caused due to chemical imbalances in the brain. Trichotillomania may also be a genetic condition because it runs in families.

Symptoms of Trichotillomania

Everyone doesn't have the same symptoms of Trichotillomania. Some pull their hair strand by strand while others may pull large clumps of it. Some people may do this consciously and are getting a good feeling while pulling their hair off, while some may be pulling their hair unconsciously without even realizing it. After pulling the strand some may inspect it or even swallow it. The symptoms usually are:-

pulling hair causing hair loss in patches

satisfactory feeling when pulling the hair

shame and even denying what they are doing

experiencing relief when the hair is pulled

playing with pulled hair

rubbing the pulled hair on lips

How common is Trichotillomania?

Trichotillomania is a pretty rare condition in which only about 1 percent of the population may have it. This condition is usually found in females outnumbering males in a ratio of 3 to 1. There is a problem in finding the frequency of the people who have Trichotillomania. This is because people tend to deny that they have the disorder and do not seek help from professionals. Trichotillomania usually begins around the age of 11 to 13 however, there is a possibility that children of age 1 to 2 also have Trichotillomania and pull their hair.

Coping with Trichotillomania

If you feel that you or someone you know suffers hair loss because of Trichotillomania then it would be advisable to visit a professional team of Hair experts. The hair exerts can give you tips for controlling Trichotillomania before it is too late. People will need help from professionals for controlling their hair pulling impulses. Common treatment for Trichotillomania includes:

MEDICATIONS: If treatment of Trichotillomania is not needed then the hair expert can prescribe medications such as serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to help people to control their hair pulling urges.

COGNITIVE-BEHAVIOUR THERAPY: In this therapy the hair expert will teach you how to manage your hair pulling urges and how to recognize them so that you are not pulling your hair unconsciously. The hair expert will teach you how specific situations cause hair pulling urges and how to control them or modify the situation and stop hair loss caused by it.

BEHAVIOURAL MODIFICATION: The hair expert recommends you to occupy yourself when you feel the urge to pull your hair. You could squeeze a stress ball or do activities like knitting, reading, cooking etc.

Controlling Trichotillomania can be tough, but working with the hair expert and to manage your condition, joining support groups made up of other people who have a similar situation as you can help you overcome Trichotillomania.

Article Source:

Thursday 14 March 2019

5 Habits That Affect Your Heart by Richard Johnson

Healthy Heart
Healthy Heart
The heart is the main organ in the cardiovascular system, whose function is to pump blood throughout the body, transferring nutrients, oxygen, hormones, and other substances to the appropriate tissues and organs.

When the heart and blood vessels do not work as they should, it gives rise to disorders known as cardiovascular diseases that can be dangerous to your life.

A person who has heart problems is prone to various risk factors - from arterial wear to a heart attack. However, scientists say that the way of life also affects the work of the heart. Therefore, you should know about these 5 habits that can cause heart problems.
Sedentary Lifestyle

If you sit at the computer or in front of the TV for hours, the risk of a stroke increases, even if you regularly exercise. The exercises you do a couple times a week do not compensate for the time you spend in a motionless state.

A sedentary lifestyle has a bad effect on the level of fats and sugar in the blood. Therefore, even if you have to sit for a long time, try to get up and walk from time to time.

Ignoring Snoring

Snoring is often the subject of jokes but in fact, it can be a serious signal. For example, obstructive sleep apnea (a short-term respiratory arrest while sleeping, which can cause an increase in blood pressure) significantly increases the risk of a heart disease.

It is estimated that more than 18 million adults suffer from sleep apnea. This is especially true for people who are overweight or obese. If you snore and often wake up in a broken state, it's best to consult a doctor. There are easy ways to detect apnea, as well as successful treatment methods.

Smoking or Cohabitation with a Smoker

Here is another advice to you - do not smoke. Smoking is a total disaster for your heart. It promotes the formation of blood clots that can block the flow of blood to the heart and leads to the accumulation of plaques in the arteries.

If you smoke, not only do you put yourself at risk but you also endanger those who live near. Each year, about 46,000 non-smoking people who live with smokers die from heart diseases due to passive smoking.


The main cause of heart diseases is being overweight. To avoid overeating problems, try to do the following:

• Don't eat large portions of food
• Replace sweet drinks with water
• Reduce the consumption of high-calorie dishes
• Keep in mind that products with the "low in fat" inscription often contain a lot of calories

Suppression of Stress, Aggression or Irritation

If you are experiencing negative emotions for a long time but you cannot express them, it puts a heavy burden on your heart.

Those who suppress stress for a long time, endanger themselves. Studies prove that the ability to laugh heartily and maintain friendly relations, as well as enjoy social and family support, have a positive impact on your heart health. Sharing your problems with people who support you is very beneficial for a healthy living.

To learn more about risk factors of heart disease, please visit CardioGod - an informative website that provides useful information on cardiovascular health.

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Wednesday 13 March 2019

Exercises and Workouts - Four Ways To Boost Your Heart Rate by Beverleigh H Piepers

healthy heart
Healthy Heart
For many people, hitting the gym is very challenging. It takes time away from your busy schedule and often you are too tired in the first place. However, what you need to remember is exercise does not necessarily have to take place in the gym. There are many ways to fit in a great workout session without even stepping foot in a commercial gym establishment.

All you need to do is get your heart rate up. Do this, and you will be...
  • burning calories,
  • strengthening muscles,
and seeing results...

1. Turn Up The Music And Dance. Dancing is seriously the most natural workout ever - and quite possibly, the most fun. Just turn up the music and get dancing. It is that easy. The faster the music, the quicker you will move therefore the more beneficial this will be.

Dancing is great because it is a full body activity; therefore you are working every muscle group at once. Compare this with say biking at the gym, and you can quickly see the difference.

2. Go For A Swim. Swimming, often regarded as a leisure activity, can still be a great way to get moving and raising your heart rate. It is not necessary to swim actual laps to benefit: this is a mistake many people make in their thinking process, and it turns them off swimming altogether.
Just hit the pool and have some fun. That will be enough.
3. Plant A Garden. Gardening is a fantastic way to burn calories and get in better shape - and it gives you an excellent result because of it. Many people think of yard work as a chore that has to get done but if you look at it as an opportunity to get in some fitness and create something beautiful to look out at day after day, your view may change.

If you do not have a garden, cut the grass. It is a similar concept.

4. Walk The Stairs. One last idea to help you burn a few calories and get your heart rate up if you are stuck for ideas and want to remain indoors, is to walk your stairs. Whether it is the stairs of your house or apartment building, walking up and down the stairs will strengthen your lower body muscles while giving your heart a boost.

Climbing stairs is one of the best cardiovascular exercises out there, so you cannot go wrong with this one. Turn up the music while you do it to make it more enjoyable.

There you have a few of the best ways to burn calories and give your heart a boost. Raising your heart rate a few times a day is a fantastic way to boost your energy level, burn calories, and even improve your mood. Why not give it a try?

Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Tuesday 12 March 2019

Almonds: Health Benefits and Nutritional Value by Aakanksha Vatsal

Almonds are one of the most popular nuts, with numerous health benefits. Almonds or Prunus dulcis, was primarily native to the Mediterranean region, Middle-East, Turkey and South-East Asian countries. The fruit of this tree is often consumed raw, toasted, or in the form of almond milk.

This nut has numerous health benefits. Research has shown that this fruit increases the High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) levels and decreases the LDL-Cholesterol levels. It is a good source of B-complex vitamins and dietary fiber. The various health benefits of this fruit are described below.

Useful in:

Antioxidants | Anti-aging | Diabetes II | Cardiovascular disorders | High Blood Pressure | High Cholesterol levels | Obesity | Women health | Skin | energy | Gallstones |

How this helps:


Almonds, like all other nuts, are low in carbohydrates and high in good fats, proteins, fiber and essential micronutrients. Almonds contain significant amounts of magnesium, which is seen to be very low in all diabetics. Magnesium is an essential mineral which helps in maintaining the blood sugar levels in the body, improves the function of insulin along with helping in several body processes.

Heart Diseases:

Almonds are very beneficial in preventing several heart diseases. The magnesium in almonds reduces high blood pressure. Almonds help to lower the LDL cholesterol levels and increase the HDL cholesterol levels. They also prevent oxidation of LDL, which is a very important step in preventing plaque formation in the blood vessels.


Several reports indicate that an almond-containing low-calorie diet, rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, helps in lowering the weight faster than a diet high in complex carbohydrates. People who eat nuts twice a week are also less likely to gain weight.

Nutrient Value of Almonds: (Serving size: 100 g):


Energy - 2,408 kJ (576 kcal)

Fat- 49.42 g

Saturated- 3.731 g
Monounsaturated- 30.889 g
Polyunsaturated- 12.070 g

Carbohydrates- 21.69 g

Starch- 0.74 g
Sugars- 3.89 g
Dietary fiber- 12.2 g
Protein- 21.22 g
Water- 4.70 g


Vitamin A equiv.
Choline- 52.1 mg
Vitamin E- 26.2 mg
Niacin (B3)- 3.385 mg
Riboflavin (B2)- 1.014 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)- 0.469 mg
Thiamine (B1)- 0.211 mg
Vitamin B6- 0.143 mg
Folate (B9)- 50 μg
Beta-carotene- 1 μg
Lutein zeaxanthin- 1 μg
Vitamin A- 1 IU


Potassium- 705 mg
Phosphorus- 484 mg
Magnesium- 268 mg
Calcium- 264 mg
Iron- 3.72 mg
Zinc- 3.08 mg
Manganese- 2.285 mg
Sodium- 1 mg

Source: USDA Nutrient Database No. 28
If you need any help writing or editing health and nutrition-based articles, please contact me at

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Saturday 9 March 2019

What Is a Dash Diet? by Arati Shah

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DASH stands for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. DASH diet has been clinically proven to reduce blood pressure within 2 weeks in individuals following the diet. It is not only known to help manage the blood pressure but is also designed for weight loss programs, helps to prevent heart diseases, stroke, diabetes and some forms of cancer.

Who should follow a DASH eating plan?

In fact, a DASH eating plan can be a part of any healthy eating plan. Not only, will it help lower blood pressure but it will offer additional heart health benefits including lowering LDL cholesterol and inflammation.
How does the DASH eating plan work?

The diet consists of foods that are low in sodium and consists of a variety of foods that are rich in nutrients like potassium, calcium and magnesium are known to help lower blood pressure. The diet is rich in fibre that again helps to lower blood pressure and knock off the extra pounds which will in-turn assist in lowering blood pressure.

What should you eat on a DASH eating plan?
  • Grains like whole wheat, brown rice, barley, oats, quinoa are packed with nutrients like proteins, B vitamins and trace minerals, fibre and antioxidants which has been shown to reduce the risk of several diseases. However, processed grains lack most nutrients and should be avoided.

  • Include fat-free or low-fat milk, yoghurt, Greek yoghurt, paneer in your diet instead of full-fat options. For those who are lactose intolerant, lactose-free milk and milk products are an option.  

  • Nuts like almonds, walnuts, pistachios, etc, beans, dals and seeds like the sunflower seeds, melon seeds, etc are a part of a healthy eating DASH diet. They are rich in dietary fibre protein, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals like zinc and magnesium, etc. Although nuts contain the healthy fats, it would be wise to eat them in restricted amounts as they are high in calories. Also, avoid salted or honey roasted nuts for their high sodium and sugar content.

  • Lean meat, egg, poultry and fish in moderation rather than meats with high saturated fat content. Processed meats such as bacon, ham, sausages, salami, etc contain a significant amount of sodium, hence restrict the intake. Occasional intake of red meat is permitted.

  • Fruits and vegetables are naturally rich in potassium which plays an important role in lowering blood pressure. If you are one who is not fond of fruits and vegetables make the change gradually. Add an extra fruit or vegetable in the day in addition to what you are currently having a start. Prefer a whole fruit to juices. Unsweetened dried fruits like raisins, cranberries, dried figs, etc. are good travel choices. Make sure there is a vegetable at each meal.

  • The diet should be low in saturated fats and total fats. A diet high in saturated fats increases the risk of heart disease and hypertension. Fats are important for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and help in building the body's immune system. Use of oils like olive oil, rice bran oil, mustard oil should be promoted in each meal and trans fats which are commonly found in processed and fried food should be avoided.
To make this diet work even better here are some additional tips:-
  • Reducing alcohol intake may help reduce blood pressure. Hence, keep the alcohol intake under check.
  • Aerobic exercise along with DASH diet works faster in lowering blood pressure.
  • Read food labels to choose products that are lower in sodium.
  • Stress can raise blood pressure even if the diet is healthy. Hence, stress management techniques like meditation, yoga, etc will help keep the blood pressure under check.
  • Poor sleep increases blood pressure. So, 7-8 hours of sound sleep will help in keeping the blood pressure in control.
  • If you are someone who smokes, then quitting it would help lower blood pressure.
  • Take your medication as prescribed.
  • Limit the salt intake to 1 teaspoon a day.

Making a lifestyle change is an effort. It is a long-term commitment which one has to make for good health. Making smaller changes will bring in faster results than making dramatic changes all at once and losing the commitment along the way. Before getting on to the DASH diet consult a nutritionist who can help you in chalking out an individual program for yourself.

Cafe Nutrition with their weight loss centers can help you not only with the DASH diet but also weight loss in Mumbai.

Arati Shah is an expert nutritionist who runs Cafe Nutrition. Having earned a Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition along with a Post-Graduation in Sports Sciences and Nutrition from S.N.D.T Juhu, she also guides about weight loss in Mumbai by formulating the right nutrition plan and dash diet with the same efficacy. She heads the Nutrition team in Mumbai and takes a personal interest in each and every client of Cafe Nutrition. In addition, her weight loss programs are easy to follow as she works on bringing about a change in our regular food habits.

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Thursday 7 March 2019

Carrots' nutritional value goes much further than supporting our eyesight by ADRIAN JOELE

When we were kids, our parents always told us to eat carrots, because they are good for our eyes. When I came in the kitchen and my mother was scrubbing carrots, I always liked to eat one raw.

But researchers found that the nutritional value of carrots goes much further than helping our eyes. They contain a range of compounds that can help prevent certain cancers, heart attacks and lower cholesterol.

Many of the health benefits is due to a substance that gives carrots their orange color. Carrots are one of the richest sources of beta-carotene, an antioxidant compound that fight free radicals. Just one cup of carrots provide more than 250% of the daily amount recommended by experts.

Researchers at Women's Hospital in Boston found that women who ate just five servings of four raw carrot sticks a week had 54% lower risk of getting ovarian cancer, due to the carotene in carrots.

Another research involving 61,000 women in Sweden found that those who ate four to six servings of antioxidant-rich carrots a week cut their risk of the most common form of kidney cancer by 54%.
Other studies, involving large populations, showed that having low levels of beta-carotene gives people more change of developing certain cancers, especially lungs and stomach cancers.

What's good for your body cells is also very good for your heart. It's a proven fact that eating large amounts of carrots rich in beta-carotene and related compounds may reduce the risk of heart disease. “A half-cup serving of cooked carrots contains 12 milligrams of beta-carotene, about twice the amount you need to get the benefits,” says Paul Lachance, PhD, executive director of the Nutraceuticals Institute at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

According to a research in Germany, eating carotene-rich foods can reduce your blood levels from a substance that can cause cardiovascular disease called c-reactive protein (also known as CRP). In the study men who ate eight servings of fruits and vegetables containing beta-carotene reduced their CRP levels by 42% in just four weeks.

Besides beta-carotene, carrots also contain alpha-carotene, which appears also to fight cancer. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute found that lung cancer appeared more often in men with low intake of alpha-carotene then in men who ate more.

Better Vision The beta-carotene in carrots works in two ways. It coverts the vitamin A in the body and helps to improve vision. This better vision effect is so well known that researchers in World War II cultivated carrots that were high in beta-carotene to help pilots to see better at night.

Vitamin A helps vision by forming a purple pigment that the eye needs in order to be able to see in dim light. This pigment, called rhodopsin, is located in the light-sensitive area of the retina. The more vitamin A you get, he more rhodopsin your body is able to produce. Conversely, people with low levels of vitamin A may suffer from night blindness, which make it difficult to drive after dark.

Besides giving you better vision, carrots also help to protect your vision. A study in Boston at Brigham and Women's Hospital that eating carotenoid-rich food was linked to a 36% lower risk of the leading cause of severe vision loss in the elderly – age related macular degeneration.

How to get the most At your supermarket, look for new-colored carrots with more powerful pigments: lycopene-rich red and lutein-laden yellow in addition to the usual orange. When you buy carrots with the greenery still on it, trim it off before storing them. Otherwise, those pretty leafy tops will act like nutrient vampires, sucking out the vitamins and moisture before you can eat the carrots.

Eat them cooked In general, raw vegetables are more nutritious than cooked, but carrots can benefit from a little cooking. This is because carrots contain a lot of dietary fiber – more than 2 grams in one carrot - which traps the beta-carotene, says John Erdman, PhD, professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Illinois. Cooking carrots can helps free beta-carotene from the fiber cells, making it easier for your body to absorb. While cooking carrots you will lose some of the nutrients in the cooking water. You can save them by using the cooking water to make soup or in a sauce. Another way to release more of the beta-carotene from carrots is to make a carrot cocktail. Processing carrots in a blender breaks apart the fibers, allowing the beta-carotene to escape.

Roasting carrots brings out their flavors. Toss 1 1/4- inch pieces of carrot with salt, pepper, and a little extra-virgin olive oil. Bake, covered for 20 minutes at 400 degrees F. Uncover and bake for 30 minutes longer. Adding some olive oil is important. Beta-carotene needs a small amount of fat to get through your intestinal wall and into your body, says John Erdman, PhD, of the University of Illinois. So the next time you're serving carrot sticks, you may add a small amount of a dip, such as a ranch dressing.

Monday 4 March 2019

Type 2 Diabetes - Is Bitter Melon Helpful at Lowering Blood Sugar? by Beverleigh H Piepers

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When dealing with Type 2 diabetes, diet and exercise are the two most important areas you will need to focus on in your journey to lower your blood sugar. A lot of changes will have to be made in your lifestyle, especially with regards to what you eat. One of the options you may come across when looking for diabetes helpful foods is bitter melon. It is not only known for its distinctive flavor and appearance, but it may also have a positive effect on your health.

Bitter melon is a plant commonly grown in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. Bitter melon originated in India and was introduced into China as far back as the 14th century. It has a similar look to cucumber with rough and wrinkled skin. Other names for the fruit include...

  • bitter gourd,
  • bitter apple,
  • balsam apple,
  • bitter squash,
  • African cucumber,
  • balsam pear, and
  • karela (in India).
It will interest you to know bitter melon is commonly featured in traditional medicines for treating several illnesses; one of which is Type 2 diabetes.

The Effect of Bitter Melon. It is known to boost weight loss and help in the control of blood sugar. Studies have shown bitter melon can be useful in improving glucose intolerance. And this is closely tied to the type of chemicals found in the plant. These chemicals are similar to insulin in the way they act. They do not only help to push more sugar into the cells but also assists in suppressing the conversion of other stored nutrients into sugar.

From the result of one study carried out on a group of people with Type 2 diabetes, it is also believed bitter lemon could help to lower the hemoglobin A1c levels (HbA1c levels).

How to Use. Bitter melon is available as a supplement in a capsule form but there is still no concrete evidence on its effectiveness for people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Some factors might come into play such as your overall health, age, and whether you are suffering from any other illness.

If you decide to try bitter melon, make sure you follow the instructions on the product package. It is also a good idea to check with your doctor before taking it. Even though the supplements appear to be safe, you do not want to find it does not interact with your prescribed medications.

Apart from the supplement form, you can also try the fruit, flower, juice or tea form, depending on your preference. The plant/fruit is commonly found at an Asian or African grocery store. If you decide to prepare the fruit as many people do, make sure you remove the seeds before cooking it.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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