Wednesday 27 February 2019

Type 2 Diabetes - Five Simple Dietary Changes You Can Make to Improve Your Blood Sugar by Beverleigh H Piepers

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Making changes to your diet can be hard, and it can be intimidating. You may not know where to start, and all of the recommendations you find online can make things super confusing. The good news is improving your Type 2 diabetes can be done with just a handful of simple yet very effective dietary changes.

Let us take the confusion out of which foods you should and should not enjoy by talking about five simple yet effective dietary changes you can make to improve your blood sugar levels...

1. Eliminate Fruit Juice. Fruit juice often contains lots of added sugar. Pair added sugar with the sugar naturally found in fruit, and you are bound to experience a spike in blood sugar. Avoid fruit juice, and choose water, unsweetened sparkling water, or sweeten the water with freshly squeezed fruit juice.

2. Read Food Labels. Reading food labels can be your best tool when it comes to controlling your blood sugar! Checking food labels for added sugars by looking for anything ending in "ose" can be a great way to eliminate foods containing added sweeteners. Make it a habit to read the back of every label before you purchase a packaged food item. The more you do this, the better you will become at detecting added sugars!

3. Choose Complex Carbs versus Refined Carbs. Choose complex carbs like rolled oats, quinoa, and brown rice over white pasta, white rice, bread, and pastries. Complex carbs will be absorbed more slowly and are less likely to cause a blood sugar spike. Plus, complex carbs like quinoa or brown rice in their whole and natural state will not contain added sugar as bread and pastries will.

4. Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup. High fructose corn syrup is found in soda, crackers, candy, and even bread! It is one of the leading causes of obesity and can lead to Type 2 diabetes. It is essential to stay away from high fructose corn syrup at all costs. Instead, choose foods containing natural sweeteners such as...

  • fruit,
  • pure maple syrup,
  • raw honey, or
  • stevia.
However, keep in mind foods like dried fruit and honey can cause blood sugar imbalances when consumed in excess and these foods should only be eaten once in a while.

5. Stay Away from Trans and Hydrogenated Fats. Trans and hydrogenated fats are commonly found in fried and processed foods. Fast food items are notorious for being full of these damaging fats that can help cause...

  • obesity,
  • heart disease, and can
  • trigger inflammation.
These fats can also increase your cholesterol level. Stay away from these fats, and choose healthier options such as...

  • extra virgin olive oil,
  • avocados,
  • nuts,
  • chia, and
  • flaxseeds.
Take your health into your own hands and make a difference in your health and your life. Start by making one change a week until you have made all five. In just a short amount of time, you could have better control of your Type 2 diabetes, and living your healthiest life!

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Monday 25 February 2019

How Will You Enhance Your HEALTH? by Richard Brody

The wisest, among us, realizes, there is nothing, as truly important, and essential, as our personal HEALTH, and well - being! While, some people, are blessed with healthier, better, family histories, than others, often, the essential difference, in the long - term, is whether we pay attention, to what makes is feel and act better, and reduces unwanted risks, etc. Healthy living and a healthier life, are often, based, on how we live, what we do, and whether we proceed, with a positive, can - do, attitude, rather than a pessimistic, problematic one! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, identify, examine, consider, and review, using the mnemonic approach, why, this is, such a relevant, important consideration.

1. Healing; healthy; humane; humble: We maximize personal healing, when/ if, our focus is on the best way, to remain, as healthy, as possible. This, often, requires, proceeding, with an open - mind, and considering the options, rather than, automatically, resorting to medications, etc. Medicines may, temporarily reduce your symptoms, but, aren't you better off, when you focus on the causes, and proceed, in a holistic manner? When one behaves, in a humane manner, he normally, feels better about himself, and those, who are humble, enough, to admit, they don't have all the answers, are often, better served!
2. Emphasis; energy; excellence: How will you determine your personal emphasis, in terms of taking care, of yourself? Will you focus on personal excellence, and adhering to combining a sensible, exercise, and diet plan, as well as regularly, having a check - up, to ensure, all is okay? This combination, often, lets you proceed, with the best, overall, energy!

3. Attitude; attention; actions; alternatives: Proceed with a true, positive, can - do, attitude, and pay attention, to the best way, to live a happier, healthier life! Let your actions match your intentions, and commit to an action plan, which works, effectively, for you! Investigate the alternatives, and options, and be a happier, healthier person.

4. Listen; learn: Never assume, and effectively listen, so you might, learn, and understand, the best way, to make you happier, and healthier! The more you open - your - mind, and focus on a thorough, wellness plan, the better, you will, generally, feel!

5. Timely: Never procrastinate, but, commit, to proceeding, in a timely way, when it comes, to addressing ailments, symptoms, etc. Carefully select your health professionals, and discuss, your philosophy, so you might, remain on the same - page!

6. Happiness: Many studies have indicated, those with true happiness, often, experience the best health! If you can be, truly happy, and follow, your personal objectives, and needs, the results are often, superb!

Don't just talk about being healthy, but live a lifestyle, which enhances your personal HEALTH! Will you commit, to doing, what's best, for you?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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Saturday 23 February 2019

The Real Power of Yoga By Tej Aswini

The Yoga

"YOGA - the power of strength"

The word yoga stands for the symbol of "union". In Sanskrit, yoga is the meaning of "to join." The real meaning of yoga is not about doing physical activity it is the process of combining the soul with activity. Behind yoga, one can find the spiritual strength of the individual. The root of yoga has begun in the first millennium BCE. Gradually the benefit of yoga came to across. Another word for yoga is "the yoke."

The power of Yoga:

The combination of both physical and mental activity in order to reach the inner soul by producing some amount of energy is the real meaning of Yoga. One should have to know the power of Yoga.
Let's look at the benefits of Yoga.

1. To get better body image: Focusing inward while doing yoga will help you get the better structure to the body.

2. Mindful eating: You will get an advantage of feeling on what you eat.

3. Heart benefits: By doing yoga regularly can help to lower the blood pleasure and cholesterol.

4. Weight control: yoga is the best action to perform to lose weight.

5. Overall fitness: Practicing the yoga several times a week will help to maintain the overall fitness very well.

Usually, the more you perform the more you get. The yoga includes other assets.

  • ... Will help to calm your mind and trains body.
  • ... Yoga fits for everyone and yoga doesn't need any special equipment.
  • ... Improved sleep, digestion.
  • ... Increases flexibility, muscle strength, and blood flow.
  • ... Balanced metabolism, help you focus, and strengthened bones.
The spiritual types of yoga:

Law of pure potentiality:

Knowing who we give us the capacity to fulfill any dream we have. When we are in conformity with nature, we develop a bond between our ambitions and the strength realize these desires.

Law of giving and receiving:

The law of receiving is equaled by the law of giving. In the universe, everything is operated through dynamic exchange. We don't have a right to stop the flow of nature.

Law of karma:

If you can joyfully involve yourself in any activity, that is karma. If you do it with great effort, only karma will come, not yoga will happen.

Law of least effort:

You can most simply accomplish your craving when your actions are driven by love, and when you exhaust the least achievement by contributing no struggle. In this way, you strike into the limitless organizing capacity of the universe to do less and attain everything.

Law of intention and desire:

The entire universe is the mixture of energy and information. They both exist in everywhere. The quality of importance in every intention and desire is the tool for its fulfillment.

Law of Dharma:

Everyone in this world has a dharma to do in a lifetime. By showing your unique talents and specialties to the others, you will get unlimited love, abundance, trust and real fulfillment in your life.

Law of Detachment:

The law of detachment states that in order to drive anything in the physical universe, you must surrender out the connection to it.

In this world, Yoga is the powerful tool to attain the strength of spirituality.
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Thursday 21 February 2019

Top 5 Stress Busters by Simon He

Stress is known as the silent killer. Although you might not realize it, stress could be creating both physical and mental changes in your body that may adversely affect your health and well-being. Let's take a look at some proven techniques for dealing with stress in your day-to-day life and give your body and mind a time out from the pressures of a modern lifestyle.

1. Sleep

As obvious as it seems sleep is one of the most important aspects to consider when dealing with stress. Nobody can expect to overcome stress in their life if they are not getting a descent amount of consistent sleep each night. If you find it difficult to sleep then look at what might be causing you to stay awake - ambient lighting, noise, bed comfort level, diet etc. Make sure your room is dark enough for you to sleep. If not cover the windows with dark or thick curtains. Is your room noisy ? If so look to ways to tackle noise - get ear plugs or invest in a good pair of sound cancelling headphones. Is your bed comfortable enough for your needs ? Are you always tossing around in bed at night ? Look at getting a better quality mattress and pillows. Finally avoid eating two hours before bed. If you eat right before sleeping your body will need to digest your meal while you attempt to sleep. This will result in an uncomfortable nights sleep.

2. Meditation

Meditation is an excellent way to combat stress however it requires a little discipline. You will need to set aside a little time each day where you can be by yourself and ideally free from noise. Of course there are many great meditation centers you can visit and this might be a good initial step to get the basics down. However, ideally you want to see mediation as a solo practice - something you can do in your time and at your pace. Personally I use many great ebooks and audio CDs containing guided meditations. I can play the CDs while using noise cancelling headphones to get the ultimate mediation session.

3. Yoga

I used to laugh at yoga practitioners before I sought it out as a source of stress relief. I always saw yoga-philes as washed out hippies or mung bean munching macro biotic morons. However one session of yoga changed my life forever ! For real ! I will never forget the feeling of ending that first yoga session and feeling on a complete high, without a care in the world. It was like my body had been put through a washing machine and come out feeling all fresh and new. Not only does yoga help to reduce stress it also results in improved sleep, reduces cortisol levels, lowers blood pressure and increases strength and flexibility. Much like meditation, yoga can be as expensive as you like or more or less free depending on your requirements.

4. Laughter

Over the years laughter has been shown by a number of research studies to have positive and long-lasting effects on the human body. Stress levels relate to what is known as stress-hormones. These include cortisol and epinephrine and dopamine. Laughter is amazingly good at reducing high levels of stress hormones in the body. It achieves this by increasing the levels of antibodies and thus strengthens your immune system so it can fight off stress hormones when they arrive. Laughter also provides somewhat of a physical workout too. As we laugh the muscles in out shoulders, face and diaphragm expand and contract which helps to relax the muscles and leave your feeling good. How much does laughter cost ? Nothing ! So get together with your mates and tell some stories, read a funny book, see a funny movie. Personally when I'm in need of a good laugh I find Monty Python and Youtube and good remedy

5. Diet

Eating a balanced diet is one of the best things you can do to tackle stress head on. Too many people over look the importance of a balanced diet in their life. As the world becomes busier we all are finding it difficult to take the time to prepare balanced and healthy, nutritional meals. All I can say is you really need to find the time to do it. The benefits far out way to costs of any time lost in front of the TV, playing Xbox or emailing the latest gossip. Making healthy meals for yourself doesn't have to be that time-consuming anyway. It takes 5 minutes to make a healthy salad. The trick is to have everything on hand, ready to go and use fewer ingredients. A healthy salad doesn't need to have 10 kinds of vegetables - I use 3 at most and it is still very tasty. Try to eliminate toxic foods such as coffee, saturated fats, processed sugars and alcohol. After two months on a healthy, toxin free diet I felt healthier than I had for 20 years !

So there we have my top 5 ideas for reducing stress. In fact there are way more than five methods I can think such as exercise or listening to relaxing sounds, but these as the main ones that will provide the best amount of immediate results in combating stress. One final note on dealing with stress that I would like to share is be careful when looking towards modern medicine when dealing with stress. I am yet to meet anyone who has overcome stress through the use of modern drugs. In my opinion such drugs, like many others, simply mask the symptoms of stress and do little to improve your immune system. Your goal in dealing with stress is to boost your immune system and reduce the externals factors in your life that are causing you stress. I wish you all luck in your stress battle - it can be defeated - I did it and I'm not the most committed student either so just remember to find a little time each day to apply these techniques and before long you'll be happier, healthier and stress free

Simon He spent over 10 years dealing with stress in his position as a software company executive. Finally, after taking stress management into his own hands, he defeated the stress monster and now lives a happy,healthy lifestyle. He also maintains a number of sites that can help deal with stress such as sound cancelling headphones and free relaxing sounds online.

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Tuesday 19 February 2019

With Ho'oponopono You Can Delete the Mental Files That Cause Depression By Mabel Katz

"Instead of getting depressed, it is easier to be in our natural state of happiness, and it is very easy to achieve it."

It's World Health Day on April 7 and this year's theme is depression. According to the World Health Organization, this condition shockingly is the leading cause of disability worldwide, with 300 million people suffering from it, so I am not surprised that I'm asked frequently whether Ho'oponopono can help to eliminate it.

The answer is very simple because, as I always explain, with the practice of this wonderful old Hawaiian art for eliminating problems, interpretations and self-limiting thoughts, such as those that cause us to sink into sadness and discouragement, these can be erased.
Depression can stay forever out of your life by choosing to live in the present moment, in what I called Zero Frequency® because it allows you to eliminate mental files or memories that can cause damage, even subconsciously.

We also have to ask ourselves: What does the person who lets themselves become discouraged and unhappy achieve? Perhaps get the attention of the people close to them so they can take care of them? Is that why this behavior becomes a habit, even "natural" and "accepted," that we become addicted to being depressed?

Osho the Master Zen said, that in order to let go of what makes you miserable, you need to be willing to let go of the benefit you think you are getting or you will get from it.

Sure, this is not a conscious level, which is why people have a hard time taking 100% responsibility. But actually realizing is just your programs, you can set yourself free from them.

You have to put a lot of effort into being depressed; it's easier to allow ourselves to be in our natural state of happiness. This is easy to achieve; you just have to "decide" to do things differently and not to engage, and give the power to these replayed memories. Move and stretch the muscles of the body for the energy to flow. Even the very act of smiling?-?as most would agree?-?causes a feeling of great well-being. It's been proven that smiles are contagious and helps keep everyone from being depressed!
On the other hand, did you know that depression often has to do with the lack of water? Although it seems incredible, hospitals use hydration to stabilize mood, so even just drinking the vital fluid helps us to feel better.

If the hydration comes from Blue Solar Water, even better. Blue Solar Water is one of the tools we use in Ho'oponopono, this ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving that I teach, and that helps us erase those programs in our subconscious mind that attract depression and so much unhappiness to our lives. Most of these programs comes from ancestors!

On the same subject, I remember a student who called me a while ago, very depressed, and because of how bad she felt, her doctor wanted to admit her into a hospital for the mentally ill, which would stop her from attending the training that Ihaleakalá and I were giving in San Diego, California.
We recommended using the Ho'oponopono tool of 3/4 glass of water and after doing so, she was able to drive to San Diego, where she arrived with a big smile saying that after changing the water three times, she felt like new.

Another exemplary story is Teresa, a student from Ho'oponopono who suffered a breakdown. They feared the worst because she had very high blood pressure and her heart might stop. She was even afraid to fall asleep and not wake up again, which led her to a constant state of anxiety and panic.

Teresa lived in Hawaii and since the doctors could not help her, she had no choice but to go to the emergency room. She was admitted to the psychiatric ward where she was given high doses of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. She was hospitalized four times in four years in a psychiatric unit without resolving her great anxiety and emotional pain. What the doctors did was prescribe more drugs, but since they did not go to the root of the problem, she deteriorated.

Later, she moved to San Diego, where she began to study energy healing and found the Ho'oponopono method whose cleansing processes she practiced religiously. To her surprise, according to her testimony, after discovering the Ho'oponopono seminar that she described as "a beautiful, perfect, sacred, miraculous process," she was able to throw away the addictive antidepressants.

In conclusion, it is indispensable to be aware that if the memory of a depression tries to occupy a place in your life, know that you have a choice! And remember, to release depression you can say "Thank you" or "I love you" and doing so, you let go and let God (Love), who knows best how to erase these memories that keep controlling you and taking you to the past, and to fill your heart with beautiful things. Choose to let go of depression and sit in the driver's seat!
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Friday 15 February 2019

Various Advantages of Massage Therapy by LAKSHMI PRIYANKA

Visiting a spa on a regular basis has now become a necessity for most of the people who are extremely busy in their frenetic routine. However, there are many people who are unaware of the extreme benefits of massage treatments. The article is intended to inform you about the amazing contributions of massage therapies on improving health of people. It is apt to say that spending money in a spa session is worth the services that professionals offer you.

Body massage is an excellent way for oozing out toxins, relieving stress and rejuvenating the mind and body. Massage treatments use effective techniques for relieving stress from the joints and muscles. If you opt for a massage therapy, you will surely find a difference in your daily tiresome routine. You may find it surprising, but the contribution of massage treatments span far and wide. Such therapies have positive impact on your heart rate, relieving stress from your fingertips and better functioning of the brain.

Expert Thai massagist doing a traditional thai stretching massage for a young woman in riverdayspa,chennai
Effects of massage treatments on skin 

The skin is one of the largest organs of a human body that covers and protects the internal organs. It is true that the quality of our skin enhances our confidence. Popular skin treatments comprises of white and bright facials and also deep cleansing facials. You must visit a reliable spa centre whose services will help you look refreshed and invigorated. The skin consists of various nerve cells that are sensitive to different level of touch. During body massage these nerve cells get stimulated and release endorphins that send signal to the brain and makes the person feel relaxed and happy.

When therapists use different massage oils during the session, it helps in removing the dead cells and exfoliating the skin which is brilliant for making it look bright and young. The pressing, squeezing and other techniques during the process is also very helpful, especially for the scalp. The massage causes stimulation which is a pleasurable way of improving dry scalp and hair follicles.

Benefits of massage treatments on the circulatory system

Massages are great for improving the blood flow throughout the body, especially in the area of manipulation. It results in the exchange of substances between specific cells which brings in fresh nutrients in the cells and eliminated the waste from the blood, keeping the body healthy and prepared for better immunity.

The direction of massage is also a major factor that you need to consider for improving the blood regulation and heartbeat. Professional therapists excel the procedure and know the direction of the heart and the direction of the massage to be maintained. It is directly related to the nervous system as the dilation in the blood vessels will determine the blood pressure. So, when you feel stressed out, a shoulder massage will be ideal in relieving your stress and providing you pleasure.

Mechanical impacts of massage therapy

Mechanical effect is one of the two major impacts of massage treatments following reflex effect. When the therapist performs direct contact on the tissues and joints through various techniques, it causes mechanical effects on the body. It enhances the lymph flow in the tissues due to the decompression and compression practice during the session. The popular massage methods cause heat generation in the body as a result of which tissues become flexible. It also improves the circulation by increasing the exchange of fluids into the tissues.

Body massage performs stretching of muscles in crossway and lateral directions that allows adhesion, injured tissues and front facing muscles to release tension and repair it at a faster rate. Thus, it is safe to say that scientific techniques used during massage session not only helps in reducing stiffness but also improves the elasticity of joints and muscles. Massage on the other hand is an excellent remedy for reducing pain caused in muscles due to cramp or spasm. If you are suffering from a muscle contraction or sprain, then you must opt for a massage treatment and experience considerable relief in pain. In such cases, massage can warm and improve the flow of blood in the area along with maintaining the direction of motion and reducing the nerve compression.

Effect on the endocrine and nervous system

Massage treatment decreases insomnia and helps the sufferer to stick to a proper sleeping routine which is mandatory for keeping the body healthy. Professional therapists can enhance and reduce the level of hormones according to the requirement of the body. It can also help in secreting the natural painkiller of the body, which is the Endorphins hormone.

Why should opt for Riverday Spa?

You must select a spa that not only provide different kind of services but also focuses on the quality of the products it uses. When it comes to spa centres, you have a plethora of options in front of you. Riverday is one of the most prominent spas that can meet all your expectations with a wide range of services including hands, hair, feet, body and face. You should indulge in the vast selection of spa services that include full body massages as well as facials from the experienced specialist. Riverday spa offer services like-
  • Body wrap massage sessions
  • Deep tissue whole body treatments
  • Spa treatments and body massage therapy together
  • Ayurvedic body massage
  • Body scrub treatments

  • A massage would be a good experience that gives the good results . We provides a body Thai massage and traditional Ayurvedic therapy. While starting before the massage, we makes a mentally relaxed state is achieved. Swing our website and take a look at the range of spa centre in Chennai and massage therapies.

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Weight Loss - Are Body Fat Scales Accurate? By Beverleigh H Piepers

If you have done any reading at all about health and fitness, you know one thing: body fat matters, body weight doesn't. While the two do typically go hand in hand, there are always people who have high body weight and appear overweight but have a high level of muscle mass and are in fact, exceptionally lean.

If you are attempting to lose weight, it is best to measure whether you are losing fat or losing body weight. Body weight can be a mixture of fat and lean muscle mass tissue, which is less than ideal.
As you strive to improve your health, you only want to be losing body fat. So this now begs the question, should you invest in a body fat scale? It would seem to be the best solution. This way you can monitor which way your body fat levels are going. Before you run out and buy the first body fat scale you see, however, you do need to keep one thing in mind: not all scales are accurate.

Here is what to keep in mind.

Methods Of Measuring Body Fat Levels. There are many methods of measuring your body fat levels...

1. One approach is to pinch various areas of your body and determine how thick those areas are. The thicker the pinch, the more body fat: this is referred to as a skin caliper reading.

2. Another method is to put yourself through an electronic scanner, dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA previously referred to as DEXA), which will determine bone density, fat mass, and lean muscle mass tissue. This is the most accurate method. However, you cannot do it yourself, and it can be costly to have performed.

3. The third method is to use what is known as bio-electrical impedance, which is where an electrical current is sent through your body, and the speed of travel is determined. The current will not travel fast through fat mass, so the slower it is, the more fat you are said to have.

The bio-electrical impedance method seems ideal in theory, but the problem is your hydration levels can throw it off. If you are dehydrated, you will appear much "fatter" than if you are hydrated. This method is the one most home scales go by. While it is beneficial to be able to check your reading conveniently, it is not an accurate one. You can follow the current trend and use one of these home scales but remember you need to be at the same level of hydration at all times. Measuring your levels first thing every morning can help out with your hydration levels being similar.

Getting your body fat checked by a DXA scanner a few times a year and relying on how your clothes look and feel, could be a better approach.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

Article Source:

Saturday 9 February 2019

Men Skincare: Moisturizing 101 by FABIOLA GROSHAN

Days when men woke up, brushed their teeth and splashed a bit of water on their face are long gone and with the market being filled with more and more skincare products specially made for men, protecting your skin has never been easier. But quickly dabbing a bit of moisturizer from your girlfriend or wife’s cabinet is not always the right way to do it and men should know how important choosing the correct moisturizer is.

Although specialists say men should typically keep their routine as simple as possible, knowing what type of skin you have is the first step in finding the perfect product for you. The best way to determine your skin type is to examine the T Zone at the end of the day. The T Zone is the area across your forehead and down your nose to your chin. If your skin is really matte in that area, this means you have dry skin, while a shiny or slightly greasy surface means your skin is oily. If there is no visible difference, this just means you have normal or mixed skin. If you feel your skin is prone to redness or it stings when applying most products, it means your skin is sensitive, but have no fear, because the market offers a variety of men's skin products for every type of skin.

For dry skin, try using oil-based products, as they are richer and hydrate more. If your skin is oily, try looking for lotions that have an oil-free formula and for normal skin use a balanced product, as you just need to maintain your skin condition and just add a little help to it. For sensitive skin, avoid anything fragranced or alcohol based and look for moisturizers that are specifically designed for your skin.

Now that you know how to choose the perfect product for your skin, to make the most out of it, you also have to learn how to use it properly. Cleanse your skin before using any moisturizer, to ensure your pores are open and your skin will absorb the product. One classic tip that works for all moisturizers is to apply the product on damp skin, so after you wash your face, just pat it dry with a towel, making sure it does not absorb all the water. Apply the lotion using small circular motions, to massage it in and don’t use too much product. Start with a little bit and add more if you feel the need to.

Skincare-experts advice that, to ensure you give your skin the proper care, it’s best to use different men skincare products for your face and body, and don’t forget to take good care of your lips too. A simple lip balm to keep at hand can go a long way in the Winter season, when they are prone to get chapped, and when Summer comes, try incorporating sunblock in your routine or find moisturizers that have SPF in them, especially if you have sensitive skin, to prevent burning and acne.

Trouble finding time to search your local store for moisturizers or other men skincare products, try these links!

Healthy Living - The Power Of Your Mindset! By Beverleigh H Piepers

If you are someone who has become unmotivated and this is starting to impact your mindset, you are setting yourself up for further disappointment when you start on a new lifestyle plan. It can be a frustrating place to be. The issue is this: you feel as though you fail every time you try. This limiting belief means you do not put in as much effort as you should, or are not confident in your abilities. Each time you work up the courage to try again, these beliefs typically lead you down a path that does not produce results. Frustration sets in and you begin the cycle all over again, and this is less than optimal if you hope to maximize your success. So how can you fix this? What is the solution?
Change your mindset. You have to believe you can see the results you are wanting. If you can come to accept this, you can begin to look at the results you are seeking. Seems simple enough, right?
Here's how to do it...

1. Analyze Your Previous Failures. First, you will want to look at your previous failures with your attempt to get fit and control your diet and work out what caused you to "fall off the bandwagon." Perhaps it is something you didn't have control over.
However, you now berate yourself because of it: this is not fair to you and is not doing you any favors. When you can see what is happening from an "outside" perspective, it can go a long way towards helping you reach the success you are looking for.

2. Talk to Others. It is also essential you talk to other people. Ask them how they arrived where they are today. Ask them if they would share some of their setbacks with you. The reason for doing this is not to probe, but rather to help you come to see everyone has set-backs from time to time. It is all a matter of perspective. Some view them as a chance to grow while others view them as a reason to not try again.

3. Look At Other Areas Of Your Life. Finally, consider other areas of your life. Have you failed in those? Moreover, are you doing okay now? As you will likely come to see, everyone fails at different areas of their life at least once or twice. However, if you pick yourself up, you will eventually see success. Now, this may be taking you a bit longer than you planned, but if you keep at it and work hard, you will get results. It is just a matter of using the right techniques along with a healthy mindset.

Keep these points in mind. Remember your mindset is very powerful for your overall results so you must do everything you can to ensure you have a healthy mindset as you set out on a new lifestyle plan.

Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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